Sunday, February 14, 2010

I left Logan last night at 10:30 and came here to West Jordan to hang out with the Lee's. We went to stake conference this morning and just finished going on a walk and eating some quesadillas. Happy valentines day/presidents day weekend!!

Friday, February 5, 2010

A few weeks back a group of us went snowshoeing up Logan canyon, and it was snowing so hard that the cars got a little stuck, so we had to push them out. It was pretty fun/cold.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

David and Jesse and Wyatt made a band and asked me to play the bongos with them at Poetry and Beverage.

Monday, February 1, 2010

We looked at this house today, and Mom and Dad decided to make an offer for if they get it I guess I will be moving in to start fixing it up...and hopefully renting it out this fall.

My Landscape Architecture Test results

Detail file for laep1030-versionc-0129sb
Name : Scott Allred                Id: ********* Test : laep1030-versionc-0129sb      Date: January 29, 2010   You scored:   92 out of  100 for    92%   You ranked:    9 out of   46 who took this test Average score:  85.1 +/-    8.9 (